Hood River County

Sheriff's Office

Parole & Probation

The Parole and Probation Division supervises individuals that have committed crimes and have been sentenced to a period of community supervision by a court or parole board. 

Parole and Probation Deputies work with offenders to ensure they’re accountable for their actions, in compliance with the conditions of supervision, and provide guidance and education to assist with their rehabilitation.


An offender on probation is ordered to follow certain conditions set forth by the court, often under the supervision of a probation officer. Those who violate the terms of their probation can face structured sanctions/interventions to include; jail, community service, electronic home detention, increased reporting, or return to court for revocation.

Your probation officer will also be able to refer you to programs that are ordered by the court.


Post-prison supervision and parole are often used synonymously, but post-prison supervision is the correct term for convictions that have occurred on or after November 1, 1989. In either case, Probation and Parole Officer monitors conditions imposed by the Oregon Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision. One may also be placed on post-prison supervision following revocation of felony probation and a period of incarceration in a local jail.


While the specific conditions of supervision may vary from case to case, there are standard conditions which apply to almost every adult on supervision. In addition, special conditions of probation may be imposed by the court, or by the Oregon Board of Parole, in response to the individual's risk to the community and their rehabilitative needs.


The Court may order community service/work crew or it may be imposed on offenders who violate their supervision as probationers, parolees, or post prison supervision.  There is a $45.00 fee if ordered to complete community service/work crew.  Community service/work crew is offered Wednesday-Saturday.  

Offenders who are ordered to either community service or work crew need to meet the work crew supervisor at 7:45 am on the side of the Sheriff’s Office the day they are scheduled to report.  All offenders need to dress appropriately for the weather (long pants required), need to bring a lunch and all drinks in a sealed cup.  No electronics are allowed on work crew leave them at home.

For more information on work crew you may call the work crew supervisor at 541-387-7143.


DNA - $15

Compact Application - $50 to Hood River County & $50 to the State of Oregon  

Urinalysis - $10 if negative, $25 if positive & $35 if sent to the lab

Community Service Work Crew - $45 per sanction or court order

What does "no contact" mean?
When will I be allowed to have contact with a victim?
What is a special condition of supervision?
What is bench probation?
What is post-prison supervision?